The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority, SHENA this morning held a tahlil ceremony for Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien; Al-Marhumah Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit; and Al-Marhum His Royal Highness Prince Haji 'Abdul 'Azim. The ceremony took place at the Royal Mausoleum.
The SHENA delegation was led by Dato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Sufian bin Haji Sabtu, Deputy Minister for Security and Law at the Prime Minister's Office as Chairman of the SHENA Board of Directors. Also present were members of the SHENA Board of Directors, SHENA Senior Management as well as SHENA officers and staff.
News courtesy of Radio Television Brunei
Photo courtesy of InfoFoto